3.5/16" lacing in web and skived (thinned in gauge) 3/16" in shell. Indian Tan laces prestressed and sent through darkening process with proper oil and conditioner. Wax seal is added to the "raw' underside of every lace and set during prestressing process.
Majority of the renewed shift in form and shape of glove stems from internal rebuild of finger felts (fore, mid, ring) that had degraded and shredded away through play.
Finger Felts hand sewn back into original tattered finger stall as well as the new "underskin" lining placed as new foundation below tattered original palm.
Failed to get production pics of underskin liner by itself, but all the same there wouldn't be much to seeother than the outlined form. None of the holes can be placed until the liner in sewed into the finger felts and stalls in order to anchor the liner. Holes are placed in succession towards the heel in order to achieve best tension possible.
Above is a good shot of extent of ground the new underskin had to cover. Underskin also supports holes leading up and through finger stalls which are better represented in the finger felt production pics. Also a nice aerial look of both thumb loops that were replaced. 

Loops were custom made for glove and held in place by heel lace 
. Also dyed with three varying browns to achieve the faux finish look to best match revived shell. Pic of thumb and pinky loops below are mostly through that dye process.
Pocket reform and protection of palm from greatly thinned palm leather stems from a 'full palm-pad' insertion custom built to the specific shape the pocket had best been when first broken in. Oil tanned, 5oz leather used. Crescent moon cut and relief lines follow established patterns (Rawlings 'Dual-Core') proven to additionally help in reducing shock as well as going far with ball control in glove.
Palm holes and notches to increase flexibility added after installation for optimal fit.
Below is a view of both 'underskin' and full palm pad being drawn together. Good look at the base of new thumb loop as it awaits to be laced in.
Some spot dyeing done to cover and blend greatly worn areas as with where the forefinger rests on top of glove in the above pic.
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